Monday, December 21, 2015

If the 7 Dwarves Painted a Bed...

LOVE WHERE YOU ARE. 2015. Belmont, NH.
Here's the foot board with a mid-evil ornament runner.
Is he going to sleep? Is he waking up?
Pears in thin, transparent layers of paint and pear blossoms. 

This was a salvaged bed; you can see how it is scuffed up and flaking in this shot--so charming.

The green back color is washed out to a grey here because of the flash...

How did the world turn without these sideboards??
The head board is mellow; one needs to sleep under it after all. 
You can see the shabby-chic finish on the wood here as well.
I just love the dragon flies.
and this fish, with the orange reflecting in the pool...and those lilly pads!

Thanks for viewing!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Inspired Door (Part 1)

Office door in downtown Concord, NH. LOVE WHERE YOU ARE. 2015.

 Inspired by "Garden of Eden" Renaissance painting by Jan Brueghel the Elder.

Essentially this is a painting about the rising of the self
All the characters of the self are present here.

The glum, the cheerful, the curious...

the scolding parent, the ashamed child...

the dreamer or prayer...the wise one...

the one getting supported by friends...

Contact me to make your door an Inspired Door.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Canterbury Elementary School

 Canterbury Elementary School Playground. Canterbury, NH. 
 From: Why Won't the Dragon Roar? by Rosalyn Rosenbluth, 
drawings by Rosalie Davidson

 Opposite side from: Little Boat by Thomas Docherty

I painted these metal panels with Rustoleum. My first Rustoleum painting!
Should last as long as the panel!

And it's wonderfully shiny and silky-smooth.
The children love to run their fingers over it.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Elizabeth's Bed

 Elizabeth's Bed for her 6th birthday. LOVE WHERE YOU ARE. Franklin, NH. 2015.

 Moon flowers and enchanted butterflies.