Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Winnie the Pooh bedroom

A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh brought to life on the walls of a soon-to-be baby boy. 2019

 Above the changing table for a little chuckle.

 Banner done in chalk paint so messages can be written and rewritten.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Evelyn's collaboration, the underbunk

My daughter designed this mural based on a title page of Sleep Like a Tiger
by Mary Logue. She modified it with her own toys and interests and helped paint!
"The Under-Bunk." LOVE WHERE YOU ARE. Summer 2017.
 All the individual elements are important or meaningful things in Evelyn's life.

Thanks for viewing.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Caiden's Room

Sea turtle wall mural. LOVE WHERE YOU ARE. Wentworth, NH. 2016

This portion of the wall overlooks the child's bed.

 The adult sea turtle is seen when you first walk into the room and is the painted at the approximate height of the child, so he can examine it closely and touch it.
This room was small, so the mural is not cluttered, but allows for the spaciousness of the ocean, so as to not shrink the room.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Sky (Inspired Door Series)

This is a reclaimed door I found in the chicken coop....completely black and unrecognizable.
It has fasteners from a long mirror on the front, seen here as black specks on the painting.

In this detail you will notice the door knob, now broken. The brass is so beautiful. I added a touch of gold to the edge of the cloud (seen here top, center) as if the light from the brass was reflecting in the sky.
Here is a mirror fitting.
This detail is the original cloud composition that made me fall in love with this sky. Doesn't it take your breath away? A door through the clouds....from this to that... unknown place...
I left the hinges in their original condition.
And here is the back of the door. I left it just as it was, but clean.

Monday, December 21, 2015

If the 7 Dwarves Painted a Bed...

LOVE WHERE YOU ARE. 2015. Belmont, NH.
Here's the foot board with a mid-evil ornament runner.
Is he going to sleep? Is he waking up?
Pears in thin, transparent layers of paint and pear blossoms. 

This was a salvaged bed; you can see how it is scuffed up and flaking in this shot--so charming.

The green back color is washed out to a grey here because of the flash...

How did the world turn without these sideboards??
The head board is mellow; one needs to sleep under it after all. 
You can see the shabby-chic finish on the wood here as well.
I just love the dragon flies.
and this fish, with the orange reflecting in the pool...and those lilly pads!

Thanks for viewing!